Yiming Liu
3501 Gateway Blvd,
Fremont, CA 94538.
I am leading the infrastructure team at Pony.ai. We are actively hiring now.
I received my PhD degree from Princeton University, where I worked on internet-data-driven image creation and enhancement, advised by Prof. Szymon Rusinkiewicz. Before that, I got my bachelor degree from the Computer Science Department and the Yao Class at Tsinghua University.
- Video Frame Synthesis using Deep Voxel Flow.
Ziwei Liu, Raymond Yeh, Xiaoou Tang, Yiming Liu, and Aseem Agarwala.
In ICCV 2017 (Oral).
- Data-Driven Iconification.
Yiming Liu, Aseem Agarwala, Jingwan Lu, and Szymon Rusinkiewicz.
In Expressive 2016.
Best Paper Award.
- PhD Thesis: Internet-Data-Driven Image Creation and Enhancement.
Yiming Liu.
- Palette-based Photo Recoloring.
Huiwen Chang, Ohad Fried, Yiming Liu, Stephen DiVerdi, and Adam Finkelstein.
Yiming Liu, Michael Cohen, Matt Uyttendaele, and Szymon Rusinkiewicz.
In Eurographics Symposium on Rendering 2014.
- A No-Reference Metric for Evaluating the Quality of Motion Deblurring.
Yiming Liu, Jue Wang, Sunghyun Cho, Adam Finkelstein, and Szymon Rusinkiewicz.
In ACM SIGGRAPH Asia 2013.
- Textual Query of Personal Photos Facilitated by Large-scale Web Data.
Yiming Liu, Dong Xu, Ivor Tsang, and Jiebo Luo.
In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence.
Its conference version is published in Proceedings of ACM Multimedia 2009.
- Texture Splicing.
Yiming Liu, Jiaping Wang, Su Xue, Xin Tong, Sing Bing Kang, and Baining Guo.
In Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2009.
- The Dual-microfacet Model for Capturing Thin Transparent Slabs.
Qiang Dai, Jiaping Wang, Yiming Liu, John Snyder, Enhua Wu, and Baining Guo.
In Proceedings of Pacific Graphics 2009.
It wins the Distinguished Paper Award at Pacific Graphics 2009.
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